Specialization “Midwifery”

Home > Specialization “Midwifery”
Head ofDaurenbekova Gulbana Batyrbekovna
Phone+7 (7252) 53-09-10

Standard learning period:

2 years 10 months on the basis of general secondary education

Qualification 4S09130201 “Obstetrician”

form of education: – daytime

The level of training of students in the credit technology of training provides for the development of basic and professional modules for the formation of basic and professional competencies.

  • Uses information and computer technologies in work and self-development
  • Demonstrates commitment to professional ethical principles.
  • Performs medical examinations and patronage of pregnant women, conducts physiopsychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth;
  • Provides medical and diagnostic assistance during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period, provides obstetric assistance during childbirth;
  • Performs the primary toilet of the newborn, evaluates and monitors the dynamics of his condition, assists in training in the care of the newborn;
  • Applies the algorithm of obstetric tactics for providing medical care in urgent and life-threatening conditions, for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients;
  • Practices modern methods of intensive care and resuscitation in diseases and critical situations;
  • Evaluates the effectiveness of the treatment measures carried out;
  • Uses medicines as prescribed by a doctor.