The Week of CMA of Pharmaceutical disciplines

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From March 27 to March 31, 2023  was held the week of CMO of pharmaceutical disciplines. The week opened with an exhibition entitled “Zhanga shipa, dertke daua”. The exhibition presented the author’s works of teachers, research works of subject circles, educational visual material prepared by the circle members.

On March 28, was held a debate on the topic “Research of effective communication skills in pharmacist’s work” among the  students of the 3rd year of the specialty “Pharmacy”. During the debate, the students showed their knowledge of the basics of pharmacist’s communication skills.

On March 29, in honor of the 100th anniversary of R.S. Iskakova, was held a scientific and theoretical conference among the students of subject circles on the specialty “Pharmacy”. The participants of the conference made presentations on the topics of the research work of the circles.

On March 30, was held a meeting of the students of the specialty “Pharmacy” with medical representatives of the company “Health pharm” Rakhmatullayeva R. and Efremova I. The students were informed about modern pharmaceuticals that are in great demand among the population.

The week ended with an essay contest “Mamandygym-maktanyshym!” in honor of the 100th anniversary of R.S. Iskakova. The 1st year students took part in the competition. The winner of the competition was the student of the group 22 “B”  Mamurova Rukhshona . The contestants showed in their works the importance of choosing of future profession. All participants of the competition were awarded diplomas and certificates.