From November 21 to November 25 was held the week of the CMA of “General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines”

Home > News > From November 21 to November 25 was held the week of the CMA of “General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines”

On November 21, 2022, was held a competition at the college with the first year students of the department “Curative affair” and the department “Stomatology” under the guidance of the teacher of socio-economic disciplines Mahanova H. K. on the topic “Tarikh otkenge sabak, keleshekke onega”.

The purpose of the competitive lesson is to develop in students a sense of patriotism and a deep understanding of the history of the country.

On November 22, 2022 psychology teacher G. K. Sakhova held a psychological training with students on the topic “Biz birgemiz – berik irgemiz”. The purpose of the training is to develop students’ communication skills, increase self-confidence, improve mood.

During the training the students were told the importance of responsibility in relation to their lives, conscious self-management. Besides the participants performing psychological exercises, increased various personal abilities. We worked emotionally with our inner self, identifying differences between feelings and emotions.  Sakhova G. K. summed up the training with a wise saying: “A man does not grow old with doing two things, the first is a good deed, the second is a kind word coming from the heart.

On November 23, 2022 the history teacher A. M. Adilbai held an open lesson on the topic “National liberation uprising of 1916” with the group 22 “B” of the speciality “Laboratory assistant”. The lesson was held according to the technology of differentiated learning where were used such methods and types of electronic games as “You to me, I to you”, “Reflection”, “Fishbone”, “Detailed narration”.

On November 25, 2022, Kozhanalieva D. A., a teacher of basics of law, held a round table with students of the specialty “Hygiene and epidemiology” on the topic “Adaldyk alany”.

The purpose of the event was a conversation with students about the fight against corruption.

During the meeting the students expressed their opinions in the  drawings, essays and poems. The participants exchanged their opinions and asked questions to the organizers of the event. Having received answers to their questions, the participants came to the conclusion that it is necessary to hold such events.