On December 05-09, 2022 was held a week of cyclical methodological association of Chemistry and Biology”

Home > News > On December 05-09, 2022 was held a week of cyclical methodological association of Chemistry and Biology”

On December 5 biology teachers A.Imamadieva and Zh.Bitemirova held a literary evening on the theme “Shymkent shok zhuldyz” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Iskakova Razia Shakenovna. during the literary evening, students provided information about the biography and works of R.S.Iskakova.

Methodologist of the college M.Zhumashev having told about the courage and work path of Razia Shakenovna urged the students to strive to be qualified specialists in their field.

The literary evening ended with the performance of the college anthem.

On December 6 chemistry teacher Sh .Izbasarova held a master class on the topic “Entertaining chemistry”.

During the master class students showed practical skills by demon-strating the properties of the chemical composition of medicines.

On December 7, under the guidance of chemistry teacher E. Karibaeva, was held a students’ conference on the topic “The importance of biogenic elements in medicine”. During the conference, students prepared reports on the chemical proper-ties of medicinal plants, the importance of biogenic elements in medicine.”

On December 08, the teacher of ecology Z. Sultan conducted a training on the topic “Anthropogenic factors”. At the training wetre discussed environmental problems and measures to solve them.

On December 09, 2022, biology teacher A. Poshtaeva held a round table on the topic “Diabetes mellitus and prevention measures” with the participation of teacher of pediatrics A. Konyrbekova and teacher of therapy Z. Abdukasymova

During the round table teachers of special disciplines answered the students’ questions, introduced them to the symptoms of the disease, treatment and preventive measures.