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“Adamdar okudy tastagan kezde oylaudan kalady”

On December 15, 2022, within the framework of the project “Reading college” , took place a library quilt on the...
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Well done, doctor-teacher Zhanat Ibadullayevna!

On December 13-14, 2022, on the basis of the Republican Higher Medical College, was held a Republican professional...
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On December 05-09, 2022 was held a week of cyclical methodological association of Chemistry and Biology”

On December 5 biology teachers A.Imamadieva and Zh.Bitemirova held a literary evening on the theme...
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From November 21 to November 25 was held the week of the CMA of “General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines”

On November 21, 2022, was held a competition at the college with the first year students of the department...
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From November 14 to November 18 was held the week of the CMA of “Microbiology hygiene and laboratory diagnostics”

On November 14 was held a round table on the topic: “Mamandygym maktanyshym”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary...
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